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  • Writer's pictureHossam Gamal

cardio after hair transplant

It's best to avoid cardio for the first few weeks after a hair transplant to allow the transplanted hair follicles to heal properly. Here's a breakdown of the recommended timeline:

  • First 1-2 weeks: No strenuous exercise, including cardio. This allows the grafts to settle in and minimizes scabbing or dislodging. Light walking is okay as long as it doesn't cause sweating.

  • After 2 weeks (consult your doctor): You might be able to gradually introduce light cardio like slow walking or gentle yoga.  Avoid anything that elevates your heart rate significantly or causes sweating.

  • After 4 weeks (consult your doctor): With your doctor's approval, you can typically resume most forms of exercise, including cardio. This is because the transplanted hair follicles should be firmly established by this point.

Here's why cardio is initially restricted:

  • Sweating: Sweating can irritate the scalp and potentially dislodge grafts.

  • Increased blood pressure: Strenuous exercise can raise blood pressure, which can put stress on the healing scalp.

  • Head movement: Certain cardio exercises may involve sudden head movements, which could be risky for the delicate grafts.

Always consult your doctor before resuming any exercise routine after a hair transplant. They can assess your healing progress and advise on the safest timeline for returning to cardio specifically.

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